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Apache Kafka

Open source project created by Apache foundation

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications.

Nowadays everything is based on events, and we have to get these events to understand what happen and deal with the data in the most properly way.


  • Where do I save these events?
  • How can I restore in a fast and simple way these events so that the feedback between one process and another can happen in a fluidly way and in real time?
  • How to scale?
  • How can I have resilience and high availability?

Kafka "Super Powers"

  • High throughput. can handle thousands of events per second;
  • Low latency (2ms);
  • Scalable;
  • High Storage;
  • High availability;
  • It can connect with almost everything (Go, Node, Python,…);
  • Has a lot of libraries that makes easy to work with Kafka;
  • Open source;

How it works

                                          [Broker A]
[Producer] -- Data --> [Apache Kafka] --> [Broker B] <-- data -- [Consumer]
                                          [Broker C]

Kafka is a cluster, and this cluster is formed by a set of nodes and these nodes are our brokers;

Producer ⇒ Publish messages;

Consumer ⇒ Consume the message, will access the broker to read the messages;

Broker ⇒ Each broker has its own database, each broker is a machine, and the node responsability is just to store the data;

Kafka doesn’t send message to anyone, Kafka just stores the message and the consumer read/retrieve the data;

Usually when you deploy a cluster the recommendation is to have at least 3 brokers;

These brokers communicate all the time and in order to manage this communication and to see what nodes are available or not the Kafka has another service called zookeper that can work as a service discovery, load balancer and so on…

Managed Services

  • Confluent Cloud → the most complete enviroment (Expensive)
  • Amazon MSK (Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka) → (Expensive) Lowest price = $2.5/day
  • Aiven Kafka
  • ...